Hell or Mercy?

OW004: Hell or Mercy? by Maya Martinez. order here.

Maya Martinez’s Hell or Mercy? cartwheels into the surrealist fetishism of the everyday. In the absurd way Anaïs Nin could troll Anaïs Nin, Maya desexualizes pleasure in order to eroticize the desperation of her generation. Work may be a perversion – the original sin – but this is where we find each other, in the heart of the profane. Private and public spheres collapse into our only reality: fantasy. Hell or Mercy? is a Bataillean leveling of desire and violence to create a new order of worshipping nature, piss, feet. Martinez sees the sacred in the debased, celebrates the stars fucking the stars, and turns manifesting into kink. These poems are lubricated with drool, mutant daffodils, and the God complex inside of us all.

Hell or Mercy? (OW 004) was printed in February 2022 in Cleveland, Ohio by Empress Editions. It is Other Weapons’ fourth title.

Florida raised, Maya Martinez is 26, a writer, and living.

This is God  God  God  God Gawd Gawd Gawd Gawd. My piss is God to these ants. My piss is dirty rain. My spit is God. My cum is God. The sores on my thighs are God  God  God  God. I meet God every day. Every stranger is God and I am also God. God meets himself in me every day. And I am moved by the hands of God  God  God  God  Guh  Awe  Duh     Guuuhhh    Aweeee    Duuuuhhh